Welcome Visitors

Welcome to this Federated Wiki site. I've pared this down for use as a Knowledge Garden, Reading List, Project List, Interest List for my time at the Recurse Center see site .

See also Volitional Muscles for sorting priorities, and Planning Your Batch for the next step after Volitional What to Do.

Also let's look at Recurse Center Topics.

Note to self that you can bookmark a lineup as a URL with the pages open. Trying out a Lineup Snapshot.

For more general context, you might want to start at the root of the wiki farm root or my site jeff

recurse.pixiereport.com jeff.pixiereport.com www.pixiereport.com pixiereport.com A roster of local wiki sites. Hi mom!

See About Activity Plugin to get a sense of what a neighborhood of wiki sites looks like, when they're aware of each others' presence, or if they've been added to the neighborhood using the Roster Plugin. About Roster Plugin.

Rather than using one of FedWiki's customary color gradient favicons (aka "flag" in the federation context, used to identify a site among others), I've copied the Recurse Center's favicon here.

FedWiki has reasons for using colored gradients as its wiki flags, especially when presented in an array of multiple flags, so I may revise mine to a circular gradient post-RC.

Pages about us.

When You're New Here, you may want to set up the wiki in a number of steps.

Pages where we do and share.

A little FedWiki History.

You can edit your copy of these pages. Press [+] to add more writing spaces. Read How to Wiki for more ideas. Follow Recent Changes here and nearby.