While Lineup Diagram brings up a page with a lineup diagram fetched from the wiki client plugin inspecting the pages, there's nothing special about the output -- the output is literal GraphViz Dot script which you can open up in an editor by double-clicking the corner of the diagram, copying the contents of the text editor pane which opens up, and pasting it into a new GraphViz item on another page.
A Lineup Snapshot.
Except that it isn't actually a static GraphViz output, it's a program! Oops! It changes when you move it around.
For an actual Lineup Snapshot graph, copy everything past the word STATIC from the text of the lineup diagram, and paste that text into a new GraphViz plugin item's text editor field.
strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] "Welcome Visitors" "Project List" "Interest List" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Welcome Visitors" -> "Federated Wiki" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Knowledge Garden" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Reading List" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Project List" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Interest List" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Lineup Snapshot" "Welcome Visitors" -> "About Activity Plugin" "Welcome Visitors" -> "About Roster Plugin" "Welcome Visitors" -> "You're New Here" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Jeff Miller" "Welcome Visitors" -> "FedWiki History" "Welcome Visitors" -> "How to Wiki" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Recent Changes" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Project List" -> "Pixie Report" "Project List" -> "Memory Card Creator" "Project List" -> "Fedwiki Frame Script Demo" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Interest List" -> "Delight and Outrage" "Interest List" -> "Delight Learning Items" "Interest List" -> "Outrage Learning Items"}
In a code paragraph, this looks like:
strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] "Welcome Visitors" "Project List" "Interest List" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Welcome Visitors" -> "Federated Wiki" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Knowledge Garden" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Reading List" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Project List" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Interest List" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Lineup Snapshot" "Welcome Visitors" -> "About Activity Plugin" "Welcome Visitors" -> "About Roster Plugin" "Welcome Visitors" -> "You're New Here" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Jeff Miller" "Welcome Visitors" -> "FedWiki History" "Welcome Visitors" -> "How to Wiki" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Recent Changes" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Project List" -> "Pixie Report" "Project List" -> "Memory Card Creator" "Project List" -> "Fedwiki Frame Script Demo" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Interest List" -> "Delight and Outrage" "Interest List" -> "Delight Learning Items" "Interest List" -> "Outrage Learning Items"}