Do at RC
See also Volitional What I Did
Weatherpixie - want big progress, hits a number of learning at my edge challenges, if not now, when?
Pairing - opportunities to let others' interest drive my learning and gain satisfaction with mutual progress
GT/Lepiter - seize the pairing availability
Career Crud / Job Prep - RSVP/reminder for that.
Frame Scripting, FedWiki Plugins (during RC, largely outside collabs?)
Memory Card Creator - small enough to just jump on it? +2nd wk
Maybe at RC
Blogging - learn generously. I love taking notes and figuring things out, and I even have a sort-of workflow; what I find is that when I engage with And Another Player Yet to be Named blog , I rediscover motivation.
Literate Programming: pick up in bits around FedWiki and GT/Lepiter, defer Jupyter and Observable Notebooks, probably, unless I want to do a timeboxed comparison or demo. (After 2023-11-03's Maptime meeting, this might bump upward via pairing on geospatial Jupyter notebooks).
Don't at RC
Comfortable Coding as a main focus. I can pick up pieces from others.
Elixir/BEAM - promising but unclear milestones
Cloud Resume Challenge because I can come back to it, and the "Do" items cover some of its material.