Interest List

See Delight and Outrage for an earlier take on my interest list, with reflections on the separate list. I'm hoping that Recurse Center draws more from my Delight Learning Items and somewhat less from my Outrage Learning Items.

Below are briefly noted topics as interest points for Recurse Center Winter 2023 Batch 1.

Elixir, Phoenix

Computational Notebooks: Jupyter Notebook, Observable Notebook, Glamorous Toolkit + Lepiter.

Tools for Thought, Linked Notes, Federated Wiki (this page is a Federated Wiki page!)

Progressive web applications, local-first, Ink and Switch's work, CRDTs - all of these intrigue me, especially local-first, then cloud or public.

Static site generators. I am beginning to see why folks keep tweaking and rolling their own, after friction and frustration with ones that _almost_ work for them.

Personal website, deploying, easy recipes. What's the landscape of various solutions these days.

Table-based tests. I actually miss FIT and FitNesse (though they're still runnable, they're not very modern or popular).

I did Visitor Pattern for about a year! I learned that the JDK 1.4 compiler was very well factored, since I could just glue my own visitor on to emit C#.

Pair programming, test-driven development, White Book XP practices - compelling and engaging for me, but pretty rusty now.

Job opportunities that let me be a good contributor - I like to improve developer onboarding and docs; I'm a compulsive note-taker.