Pixie Report Demo

2023-12-07, last week of W1 Half Batch.

Demo of in-browser composer for Pixie Report.

Components: * index.html using .js from pixifier/ and weather reports cached as `NZSP.TXT` et cetera in metar/ * Local webserver with content-type map for .js * weather report cache in metar/ refreshed using Makefile to run `curl` on airport weather public API

Features: * weather reports bookmarkable by METAR code * full rendering of pixie image to canvas Gaps: * weather reports don't auto-fetch * canvas isn't an easy affordance for drag/drop * which pixie isn't bookmarkable * export canvas to a PNG image resource (IMG element) with alt text is desirable. * report chooser is in the future

Sample images from demo.

Mrs. Rabbit at the South Pole

Too-ticky at the South Pole